August 24, 2017

Fast. Funny. Made Up.

The Original! Our Improv comedy flagship.

The Longest Running English-Speaking Comedy Show in Geneva!

Fast. Funny. Made Up. is the Renegade Saints’ flagship comedy show and the longest-running English-speaking improv comedy show in Geneva. Known for breaking attendance records, Swiss fire codes, and causing belly laughs so strong they register on the Richter scale, FFMU has become legendary for its fun, fast, and hilarious comedy atmosphere. Belly laughs guaranteed!

We create scenes based on your ideas. All you have to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy a hilarious, fast-paced improv comedy show

Upcoming shows

Our next FFMU show is on 23 January 2025 

All the info and how to book your tickets in advance:

Fast. Funny. Made Up

We look forward to seeing you there!

Mr Pickwick Pub

February 13, 2025, 8pm

Upcoming Events


Thanks for the wonderful show! OMG! I laughed my head off! 🙂


You guuuuuys! Such an amazing show tonight. I’m so glad I could make it. Laughed so much and for all the right reasons.


I was so energised from laughing at you all as I walked home. You guys should open a health club and just project reruns on the wall. It’d make a killing.


Very impressive! Good to see Geneva very much keeping the arts alive.



Improv theatre showed me a completely different method of storytelling. It was fresh, spontaneous and instantaneous, but best of all it dramatized the connection between listening, language and interpretation.

Helen Patuck, by Helen Patuck, Opening Lines

If you’ve had a long week, if you’ve had a bad day, if you need to unwind or simply drink a beer take a chance and don’t think twice.

Big Nite Out by Jaira Guevara, My Big Geneva

Some people call us an improvised theatre group, I’d call us a little stage-family of performing fools who don’t mind looking silly for the sake of entertainment.

Living in the Moment by Katt Cullen, World Radio Switzerland