Upcoming Studios
New dates will be added and themes will be updated as we go.
Sign up for a session by clicking on the link in the date.
Monday, January 20: Pablo – Letting Go of Ideas
Tuesday, February 4: Lianne – Silence
Monday, February 17: John – Storytelling
Time: Studios are held 7-8:30pm unless otherwise noted
Location: 94 rue de Lausanne – Château Banquet
Pricing: 25 CHF per session, to be paid in cash on the night
Attendees: Anyone can attend who has completed Level 2 with the Saints. We need a minimum of 6 participants to offer a session.
Past Studios
Monday, January 13: John – Verbal Games
What is the Studio?
This experiment is for those of you who have finished Level 2 of the RS improv classes and are wondering what’ll happen next.
Well! We’ve been thinking about that a lot and we have a new model that we’re going to experiment with this season (2019-2020).
The problem: folks find it increasingly difficult to commit to 8 consecutive weeks for a class. This means we struggle to get the numbers we need to run the usual class.
And most of you have got the basics of improv and what you really want is a chance to play improv weekly with others at a similar level to you, but still with some guidance.
Introducing: the Renegade Saints Studio.
Regular classes, led by a rotating cast of teachers, each on a different theme that will be announced in advance.
Much like a gym class, you’ll be able to attend one class here and there, or buy a “10-class pass”, or sign up in advance for the whole season. You attend as many or as few classes as you like. There will be a central registration system where you can sign up for the classes you plan to attend.
The difference to your classes up until now?
-The Studio does not have an end date. It continues throughout the season.
-You will benefit from the teaching styles of a variety of different teachers.
-Because of the sign-up system, you will not have the same group each class – and as sessions of Level 2 finish throughout the season, those students will be eligible to join.
As this is an experiment, we will be working out the kinks as we go (maximum class size, registration system, topics). Please be patient with us, AND please be generous with your feedback! We want to make this into something that makes sense for you.