An Improvised New Year

Dance into the New Year with improv

Welcome to Your Improvised New Year: Where Resolutions and Chaos Collide

Ah, the New Year—a time for fresh starts, lofty goals, questionable gym memberships, and an avalanche of promises we know we won’t keep. But what if this year, instead of meticulously planning our inevitable failures, we improvise our way through the chaos? After all, life rarely sticks to the script, so why should we?

Inspired by the art of improv, this guide invites you to tackle resolutions with humor, spontaneity, and just enough recklessness to keep things interesting. Grab your metaphorical (or literal) clown nose, and let’s embrace the messy, unpredictable, and wildly entertaining art of improvisation. Your year might not be perfect, but it will definitely be unforgettable.

Embrace Failure

In improv, mistakes are opportunities. Did you just miss a day at the gym or break your diet? Call it what it is: Bonus rest/cheat day!

There are no mistakes—just “happy accidents.” When your attempt at healthy eating includes cake for breakfast by the end of January, declare it a bold choice. This is your year to fail gloriously, because every failure is an opportunity to pivot. Or quit. Both are valid.

Be in the Moment

Improvisers live in the now, a philosophy that’s perfectly suited for anyone whose resolution involves “mindfulness.” So what if you forgot your coworker’s name for the third time this month? Just breathe through the awkwardness and lean into the moment. Savor each moment as it comes. The only resolution you truly need is to keep showing up—even if you’re not entirely sure where.

Commit Fully to the Bit

Decided to journal every day? Then make it a performance. Write dramatic monologues about how you conquered the existential crisis of picking oat milk over almond milk. Swore to work out? Don’t just join a gym—join the cult of CrossFit and let the world know with daily braggy social media posts about it. The more over-the-top your commitment, the more fun (or insufferable) you’ll become.

Make Bold Choices

Don’t be afraid to take risks. Bold choices are the heart of improv, and they should be the heart of your New Year too. Thinking about trying a new hobby? Do it. Considering a career change? Take the leap. Get that giant skull-and-crossbones tattoo while you’re at it—why not?

Even if things don’t go as planned, bold choices make for great stories. And if all else fails, remember: improv isn’t about success; it’s about the attempt. So, pat your boss condescendingly on the head during the next team meeting and see where it leads.

Know When to Tap Out

Improv players tap their partner on the shoulder to signal they’re stepping into the scene. Apply this same logic to your resolutions. If your no-sugar month turns into a chocolate-fueled meltdown by week two, tap yourself out and declare, “I’ve learned everything I need to know about self-control.” 

Sometimes, quitting isn’t failure—it’s timing. Step out of scenes that aren’t working and save your energy for the ones that are. Quit while you’re ahead—or slightly behind.

Play to the Top of Your Intelligence

Improv encourages performers to make smart, sophisticated choices—or at least pretend they’re smart. This year, elevate your social media game by posting inspirational quotes like, “A journey of a thousand steps begins with new gym shoes from Zalando.” Bonus points if you misattribute it to Confucius.

Accept the Reality of the Scene

Your New Year isn’t a blank slate—it’s a scene already in progress. Sure, you didn’t manage to get those chiseled abs last year and your pantry is full of expired ramen, but work with what you’ve got! Start small: a sit-up a day, fresh ramen, maybe a shower. The reality of the scene isn’t glamorous, but it’s yours. Own it.

Be Okay with Bombing

In improv, some scenes flop. In life, some years flop. If your resolution to learn French ends with you yelling “bonjour” at the TV during Emily in Paris, laugh it off. Sometimes, the funniest moments are the ones that fail spectacularly. (Except your skydiving resolution—maybe double-check that one.)

Finally – Have Fun

Whether it’s signing up for goat yoga or making a resolution to learn Mongolian throat singing, make bold choices and keep things interesting. 

Above all, improv is about having fun. Don’t take your resolutions too seriously. Enjoy the process, laugh at the mishaps, and celebrate the small victories. After all, it’s your year – make it a memorable one!

Break a leg this year—you’re gonna need it!

Happy New Year from the Renegade Saints!